8 programs in Harrisonburg
- BA
- Amerika Syarikat
- Harrisonburg
8 programs in Harrisonburg
James Madison University
BA dalam Falsafah dan Agama
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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Bergelut dengan pandangan pemikir hebat dari seluruh dunia dan sepanjang sejarah sambil membangunkan kemahiran dalam pemikiran kritis, analisis hujah dan celik budaya. Kami menyediakan graduan untuk menghadapi dunia yang berubah dengan pantas. Pelajar yang memilih untuk menumpukan perhatian dalam falsafah akan mempelajari ahli falsafah kuno dan kontemporari semasa mereka terlibat dalam perbahasan yang ketat, bertanya soalan besar dan mempertajam kemahiran pemikiran kritis mereka. Pelajar yang memilih untuk menumpukan perhatian dalam agama diperkenalkan kepada pengajian akademik agama-agama dunia. Mereka menyelami teks suci, ritual, sejarah dan etika budaya yang berbeza sambil belajar untuk berkomunikasi secara berkesan dengan mereka yang berfikir secara berbeza daripada diri mereka sendiri. Falsafah antara disiplin dan kepekatan agama antara disiplin membolehkan pelajar membuat jurusan mereka sendiri dengan mengira sehingga sembilan kredit dari luar jabatan ke jurusan tersebut.
James Madison University
BA dalam bahasa Inggeris
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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Teras pengajian Bahasa Inggeris di JMU ialah penerokaan dunia kita dan diri kita melalui perkataan. Sepanjang sejarah manusia, penulis, penyair, penulis drama dan penulis esei yang berbakat telah memahami dan menggunakan kuasa bahasa yang kreatif dan direka dengan baik untuk memberi inspirasi kepada kita, untuk memujuk kita, untuk membuat kita merenung dan bertanya, untuk menarik empati daripada kita, untuk menghiburkan dan kagum. kita, dan untuk meluaskan pemahaman kita – selalunya banyak daripada ini pada masa yang sama. Di JMU, kami menyediakan pelajar kami untuk menjadi pembaca dan pencipta bahasa, teks dan idea yang menghargai tetapi kritis, dengan memperhatikan hubungan kuat antara seni sastera dan keadaan manusia.
James Madison University
B.A. in Writing Rhetoric & Technical Communication
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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JMU’s Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication major occupies rarefied air. The School of Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication is a community of exceptional faculty, dedicated staff, talented students, and energetic alumni in one of the only stand-alone programs in the U.S. dedicated to writing across a variety of modes and genres. WRTC offers an expansive curriculum and a wide variety of opportunities for hands-on learning. Students learn the kinds of research, analytical and technical skills that allow them to become successful professional communicators as well as competitive candidates for a wide variety of graduate programs. Our faculty is comprised of practitioners and scholars from fields including rhetoric and writing, scientific and technical communication, creative nonfiction, professional communication, digital media, feminist studies, the rhetoric of health and medicine, and science studies.
James Madison University
B.A. in Musical Theatre
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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Our Musical Theatre majors hone their skills as performers while exploring all areas of collaborative theatre-making, so you are prepared to succeed in the professional arena. The Musical Theatre major provides professionally focused training within the context of a broader university experience. The intensive, hands-on curriculum affords students the opportunity to develop into well-rounded creative artists who are prepared to succeed in the professional arena. We endeavor to create a positive and collaborative environment that is inclusive as well as responsive to the needs and goals of the 21st-century artist.
James Madison University
B.A. in Geology with a major in Earth Science
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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Earth Science is an all-embracing term for the multiple sciences related to the planet Earth. The B.A. degree in Geology with a major in Earth Science is designed to integrate all the Earth sciences in a systems approach to understanding the Earth. This includes incorporating and integrating subjects such as oceanography, meteorology and astronomy. The emphasis is on the preparation of individuals to work in a wide range of professional public sector service careers where preparation in Earth science and communication of science to non-scientific audiences is a requirement or an asset. This includes the preparation of Earth science teachers.
James Madison University
B.A. in History
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
Sepenuh masa
4 tahun
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Everything has a history. The study of History emphasizes critical, applicable skills in reading, writing and reasoning to prepare students for careers in law, business and management, research, public service, and education. Our curriculum encourages students to explore various regions and eras through course work in the history studio, digital history projects and the study of artifacts, and provides opportunities for internship experiences and study abroad. Explore the past to discover more about the world, your community and even yourself.
James Madison University
B.A. in Media Arts and Design
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
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4 tahun
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JMU School of Media Arts and Design graduates tell the best stories. We prepare students to serve as creative, reflective and highly skilled media producers and storytellers, sensitive to the personal and social impact of the messages they create and to the important role media can play in advancing the public interest. Graduates of the School of Media Arts and Design work in media or in media-related careers. Program concentrations allow students to pursue interests in journalism, digital video and cinema, creative advertising or interactive design. The major also prepares students for graduate study in mass communication, journalism, advertising, visual communication or digital production. SMAD’s 39-credit-hour requirement allows students to pursue minors and second majors, to strengthen their knowledge about the types of stories they want to tell.
James Madison University
B.A. in International Affairs
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
Sepenuh masa
4 tahun
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International Affairs graduates from JMU are prepared to change the world. This major provides a global perspective on the most important challenges facing the United States and the world today. Students learn to understand the world from a variety of perspectives and have the opportunity to specialize in important global problems and regions. Students develop their understanding of cultural frameworks, foreign languages, international economics and political dynamics. Our vast network of alumni helps students transition to careers in public service and many other fields. These prized abilities serve as a foundation for careers in government, consulting, policy advocacy, business, communications and the non-profit sector. We seek to enhance the quality of public policy and civic life at home and abroad by teaching students, conducting research and collaborating with people inside and outside of the JMU community.
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BA Program dalam Harrisonburg, Amerika Syarikat
Harrisonburg, Virginia menjadi tuan rumah kepada lebih 40,000 penduduk di dalam sempadannya. Itu disampaikan oleh sistem yang terdiri daripada 8 buah sekolah awam, sebuah universiti awam atas nama James Madison University dan satu swasta selain kedua-dua kolej juga didapati di sini.
Amerika Syarikat kekal sebagai destinasi paling popular di dunia untuk pelajar antarabangsa. Universiti di AS mendominasi kedudukan dunia dan negara ini juga menawarkan pelbagai lokasi pengajian yang menarik. Sistem universiti negeri disubsidi sebahagiannya oleh kerajaan negeri, dan mungkin mempunyai banyak kampus yang tersebar di seluruh negeri, dengan ratusan ribu pelajar.
Memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (BA) Ijazah adalah satu pencapaian akademik setelah menyelesaikan satu siri kursus sepanjang tiga atau empat tahun. Mata pelajaran yang dikaji dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan ijazah ini sangat berbeza di bawah bidang seni dan sains liberal.